Negative body image is created in isolation and is healed in connection
Body Image Inside Out Presents: A House Concert ft. Kate Yeager
FREE, $20 Donation Suggested
Join us to celebrate the launch of our book as well as a special concert by Kate Yeager.
Body Image Inside Out: A Transformational Day of Insight and Connection
FEE: $475
Join us for an immersive, full-day workshop designed to transform the way you relate to your body image.
Body Image Inside Out Book Launch Celebration
Join Whitney Ott and Deb Schachter for the launch party of their book, Body Image Inside Out! Featuring special musical guest, Kate Yeager.
Body Image Inside Out: Holiday Edition
FEE: $45
Join us for a special edition workshop, where you'll dive into body image trifecta of the holiday season: the heightened relational impact of the holidays, the extreme focus on food at the holidays, and the way these impact your relationship with your body image.
Body Image & Relationships
FEE: $175
Join us for an online discussion about the important interplay between our body image and our relationships.
Body Image Inside Out 101: Let's Begin
Join us for an introductory workshop, where you'll learn the fundamentals of exploring your relationship with your body image.
Body Image Inside Out 101: Let's Begin
Join us for an introductory workshop, where you'll learn the fundamentals of exploring your relationship with your body image.
Work With Us
We work with individuals for single and multi session consultations.
Work with Deb | Work with Whitney -
We will be offering trainings for clinicians to train them in our approach. Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to find out when they are happening.
What our clients are saying